Sport Tayside & Fife
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Sport Tayside & Fife
Lynch Sports Centre
South Road

Working together for sport.


National / Regional Squads

After the recent trials the selection for National and Regional Squads has been finalised. 26 gymnasts (age 8 & 9) from Tayside & fife were tested on skills, flexibility, strength & power.

Congratulations to all gymnast’s and coaches for doing so well.

4 gymnasts have been selected for National Academy:
Emily Ford (Perth GC)
Hannah Courcha (Auchterarder GC)
Carla McLeod (Perth GC)
Sarah McKenzie (DGC2K)
and a further 5; in addition to above names being selected for Regional Academy: Alana Smith
Hayley Bell (DGC2K)
Katie-Ann Kettles (Perth GC)
Kayleigh Meek (Phoenix Forfar GC)
Tea Jensen (Zodiac GC).

Training times and venues have been changed to suit individual gymnasts and clubs. Gemma Burrows (Academy Coach) will train in Bruce Street on Tuesday evenings and Auchterarder GC Wednesday evening and Friday afternoon.

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